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Why Join Troop 1021?

  • The Quality of our Adult Leadership - Our key adult leaders have a cumulative total of 126 years Scouting experience and include 2 Silver Beavers, 3 District Award of Merit winners, 2 Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor members, 3 Vale la Pena Award winners and 2 Distinguished Commissioner Award winners. Our Scoutmaster has twice been named District Scoutmaster of the Year. 100% of our leadership is trained in position.

  • Our High Level of Activity - Troop 1021 is extremely active. We camp one weekend EVERY month, attend a week-long camp each summer, conduct regular merit badge classes, go on road trips and tours, and participate in numerous festivities, and service projects, and support membership and active participation in the Order of the Arrow.

  • We Love to Have Fun! - In the last three years, Troop 1021 has:

    • Camped each month and attended summer camp each year

    • Participated each year in our District's Freeze-O-Ree

    • Gone rifle and shotgun shooting frequently

    • Toured and slept on the USS Lexington

    • Attended University of Texas football, and Texas Rangers and San Antonio Missions baseball games

    • Repeatedly fished for bass, catfish, perch and rainbow trout.

    • Gone on numerous hikes

    • Toured the National BSA Museum in Irving, Texas.

    • Canoed and kayaked multiple times

    • Marched in the Battle of Flowers Parade

    • Gone swimming more times than you can count

    • Held fire-building, animal calling, spear throwing, fossil collecting and plant/animal identification contests

    • Toured the Toyota Plant, an aircraft factory, a television station and the airport

    • Thrown tomahawks

    • Earned the Polar Bear Award five times

    • And much more!

  • Our Fundraising Efforts and Camperships - Troop 1021 believes that every boy should have the chance to be a Boy Scout. Accordingly, we believe that Scouting should be kept as affordable as possible. To achieve this, the Troop, as a unit, sells Camp Cards each spring to enable each boy to completely self-fund his year-long Scouting activity.  In addition, the Troop works with the Alamo Area Council to make Camperships available to those attending summer camp, reducing their cost up to 50%.

  • Our Proven Track Record - Troop 1021 displays a consistent record of achievement and success:

    • Achieving Gold Level JTE scores every year since its inception

    • Earning the National Outdoor Challenge Award

    • Winning its first-ever District Freeze-O-Ree competition

    • Setting the all-time Council record for Camp Card sales

    • Producing its first Eagle Scout just two years after the Troop's founding.

  • Our Commitment to the Boys - Troop 1021 is not an unfocused effort or an old man's camping club. It is a Scouting unit solely dedicated to its boys. Sure, the adults have fun, but the question always rings... "What about the boys?" In Troop 1021 we remain committed to teaching the values of the Scout Oath and Law through:

    • Mentoring by highly successful and experienced adult Scouters who work well with kids

    • Teaching leadership with increasing levels of responsibility

    • Teaching self-reliance through outdoor activity

    • Building confidence and self esteem through challenge and encouragement

    • Teaching people skills via coaching and constant interaction with other boys and adults

    • Teaching responsibility in an environment of accountability and discipline

    • Encouraging reverence to God at every opportunity

  Come see why we're called

"The Pride of the South Side!"

© 2017 by Troop 1021, BSA.  This website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Floyd H. Holmgrain, Jr.   Our crazy Webmaster may be contacted at

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